New and updated Community ZenPacks arrive all the time and we want to help get the word out on these new and useful extensions to Zenoss. Here's the list of updated ZenPacks for August:
Advanced Device Details (updated): displays additional hardware details when used with a number of other ZenPacks.
- Alvarion Wireless (updated): monitors performance of Alvarion Wireless devices.
- BlueArc Storage (NEW!): provides SNMP monitoring for BlueArc storage devices.
- Chef Client(NEW!): provides modeling (and eventually some monitoring possibly) for devices managed by Chef using the ohai command.
- Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (updated): monitoring for Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA).
- Dell Monitor (updated): provides additional monitoring options for Dell machines.
- Distributed Collectors (updated): provides UI for configuring multiple collectors with Zenoss Core.
Domain/SSL Certificate Expiration Monitor (updated): watches for the expiration dates of domain and SSL certificates.
- FDS 389 LDAP Servers (updated): provides SSH and SNMP-based monitoring of FDS-based 389 LDAP Server.
- Fortigate SNMP Monitor (updated): monitor CPU usage, memory and number of sessions for Fortigate Firewalls.
- Funkwerk Router Monitor (updated): monitors performance of Funkwerk brand routers.
- Google Search Provider (NEW!): a search provider that incorporates Google results to the search catalog.
HP EVA Monitor (updated): models and monitors HP EVA 4X00/6X00/8X00 devices.
- HP ProLiant Monitor (updated): provides full support for HP ProLiant Servers.
- Memcached Data Source (updated): a custom MemcachedStats Data Source which automatically brings over the stats for monitoring Memcached.
- MGE UPS (updated): monitoring for MGE UPS devices.
- MRV Wireless (updated): monitors performance of MRV Wireless devices.
- MS SQL ODBC Database Monitor (updated): ODBC-based monitoring of MS SQL databases.
- MySQL ODBC Database Monitor (updated): ODBC-based monitoring of MySQL databases.
- Netasq (updated): monitors the performance of Netasq firewalls.
- nginx Status (NEW!): monitoring for the nginx HTTP and reverse proxy server.
- ODBC Data Source (updated): provides the framework for providing ODBC Data Sources.
- PostgreSQL ODBC Database Monitor (updated): ODBC-based monitoring of PostgreSQL databases.
- Raytalk Wireless (updated): monitors the performance Raytalk Wireless devices via SNMP.
- RDBMS Monitoring (updated): provides basic "database" component class.
- Show Graph Portlet (updated): adds a portlet called "Show Graph" which enables users to show any graph/multi graph reports on their dashboard.
- SQL Data Source (NEW!): a new zenperfsql daemon and SQL data source that can be used with a variety of databases.
- Tokyo Tyrant Data Source (NEW!): a custom TokyoTyrantStats Data Source for monitoring Tokyo Tyrant NOSQL databases.
Virtual IP (updated): allows you to create a Device object for Virtual Cluster resources.
WBEM Data Source (updated): creates a new Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) Data Source.
WMI Data Source (updated): creates a new zenperfwmi daemon for making Windows Management Interface calls via a WMI Data Source.
WMI Windows Performance (updated): WMI-based ZenPack models and monitors Windows machines.
There are actually a tremendous number more in the The specified document was not found., the 2010 Summer of Community ZenPacks Contest has already had a tremendous response!
We're always happy to have more Community ZenPacks and we have a ZenPacks forum dedicated for their discussion. Email us at if you have any questions or new ZenPacks you want to send in!